With you
With you
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
Now Romeo & Juliet
Bet they never felt the way we felt
Bonnie & Clyde
Never had to hide like
We do
We do
You and I, both know it can't work
It's all fun and games
'Til someone gets hurt
And I don't,
I won't let that be you
Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew
Now we don't wanna fall but
We're trippin' in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
Cause I know you can't love me here
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
To fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
See like Adam & Eve
Tragedy was a destiny
Like Sonny & Cher
I don't care
I got you baby
See we both
Fightin' every inch of our fibers
Cuz aint no way it's gonna end right but
We are both too foolish to stop
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/j/justin_bieber/stuck_in_the_moment.html ]
Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew
And we don't wanna fall but
We're tripping in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
And I know you can't love me here
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
But fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
See like
Just because this cold, cruel world say we can't be
Baby we both have the right to disagree
And I ain't with it
And I don't wanna be so old and gray
Reminiscing 'bout these better days
But convince just telling us to let go
So we'll never know
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
Cause everything we did
And everything we have is stuck in the moment
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
(Oh no no)
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Nothing my heart can do)
To fight with time and space
(And space)
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
Total Tayangan Halaman
Senin, 28 Februari 2011
Maroon 5 Never Gonna Leave
You push me
I don't have the strength to
Resist or control you
Take me down
Take me down
You hurt me
But do I deserve this?
You make me so nervous
Calm me down
Calm me down
Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed
So come here
And never leave this place
Perfection of your face
Slows me down
Slows me down
So fall down
I need you to trust me
Go easy, don't rush me
Help me out
Why don't you help me out ?
Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed
You say "Go, it isn't workin' "
And i say "No, it is perfect"
So I stay and stand
I'm never gonna leave this bed
Take it
Take it all
Take all that i have
I'll give it all away just to get you back
Fake it
Fake it all
Take what i can get
Knockin' so loud
Can't you hear me yell ?
I try to stay away, but you can't forget
Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed
You say "Go, it isn't workin' "
And i say "No, it is perfect"
So I stay and stand
I'm never gonna leave this bed
Take it
Take it all
Take all that i have
Take it
Take it all
Take all that i have
I don't have the strength to
Resist or control you
Take me down
Take me down
You hurt me
But do I deserve this?
You make me so nervous
Calm me down
Calm me down
Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed
So come here
And never leave this place
Perfection of your face
Slows me down
Slows me down
So fall down
I need you to trust me
Go easy, don't rush me
Help me out
Why don't you help me out ?
Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed
You say "Go, it isn't workin' "
And i say "No, it is perfect"
So I stay and stand
I'm never gonna leave this bed
Take it
Take it all
Take all that i have
I'll give it all away just to get you back
Fake it
Fake it all
Take what i can get
Knockin' so loud
Can't you hear me yell ?
I try to stay away, but you can't forget
Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed
You say "Go, it isn't workin' "
And i say "No, it is perfect"
So I stay and stand
I'm never gonna leave this bed
Take it
Take it all
Take all that i have
Take it
Take it all
Take all that i have
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
Halo beyonce
Remember those walls I built
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/beyonce-lyrics/halo-lyrics.html ]
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/beyonce-lyrics/halo-lyrics.html ]
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
10 Ciri-ciri Cowok jatuh cinta sama kamu.
Yang namanya manusia, pastilah ada cinta di mana-mana. Mau di keluarga, mau di kalangan teman-teman, ataupun cinta di pasangan masing-masing. Bagaimana sih caranya untuk tahu apa itu Cowok sedang jatuh cinta sama kamu atau tidak? Berikut ini adalah 10 ciri-ciri Cowok yang sedang jatuh cinta dengan seorang Cewek:
1. Memberikan perhatian lebih Si Cowok akan memberikan perhatian lebih terhadap kamu dibanding terhadap orang-orang lain. Biasanya, teman-teman kamu akan lebih bisa merasakan ini daripada kamu sendiri. Misalnya, di saat kamu sedang menggigil kedinginan karena cuaca sedang buruk, dia akan menjadi orang pertama yang menawarkan jaketnya untuk kamu. Di saat kamu sedang sakit, dia akan menjadi orang pertama yang menawarkan bantuan atau membelikan kamu makanan.
2. Meluangkan waktunya untuk kamu Cowok yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada didekat kamu. Hal ini akan terlihat jelas, apalagi kalau dia bisa meluangkan waktunya untuk sesuatu yang dia sebenarnya tidak suka lakukan. Padahal kamu tau kalau dia sebenarnya tidak suka shopping, tapi dia mau meluangkan waktunya untuk menemani kamu belanja ke shopping mall.
3. Menerima kamu apa adanyaOrang yang mencintai kamu selalu menerima kamu apa adanya. Mau kamu itu segemuk apapun, sebau apapun, ataupun sejorok apapun, dia pasti tetap bisa menerima kamu dan tidak mengutarakan komen apapun untuk merubahnya. Bagi dia, itu adalah hal unik dari kamu.
4. Lebih romantis terhadap kamuOrang yang sedang jatuh cinta sama kamu, dia pasti akan lebih ber-romantis-ria bersama kamu. Contohnya, dia mungkin akan mengirimkan sms seperti "Selamat pagi", "Selamat malam", "Selamat tidur".
5. Mau tau segalanya tentang kamu setiap saat Selalu aja nih Cowok mau tau kegiatan kamu sehari-hari. "Hari ini gimana di kantor?" atau mungkin "Nanti ada acara apa?" Semuanya itu adalah hal-hal yang dia ingin tau tentang kamu, kegiatan kamu sepanjang hari, maupun untuk acara ke depan.
6. Selalu mengingat hal-hal kecil tentang kamu Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu mengingat tiap kata2 yang kamu ucapkan bahkan mungkin kata2 yang kamu sendiri lupa pernah mengatakannya kepada dia. Tapi dia akan ingat akan hal-hal kecil yang kamu katakan maupun lakukan.
7. Selalu menganggap kamu adalah Cewek satu-satunya untuk diaSi Cowok tidak akan mendekati Cewek lain jikalau dia sedang jatuh cinta sama kamu. Cowok yang melirik Cewek lain tidak mungkin sedang jatuh cinta, itu namanya Cowok yang lagi bingung. Setiap kali dia ingin keluar makan, dia selalu telpon kamu, ngajak kamu, dan menelpon kamu pertama daripada menelpon Cewek lain. SMS dari kamu selalu dia simpan malahkan menghapus SMS orang lain jika inbox dia sudah penuh.
8. Tidak akan gampang membuat janji kepada kamuCowok yang mencintai kamu tidak akan gampang untuk membuat janji. Dia akan lebih hati-hati untuk menyiapkan semuanya untuk kamu. Jika dia tidak yakin akan sesuatu, dia tidak akan gampang untuk menjanjikannya. Bukan karena dia adalah Cowok yang tidak bisa dipercayai, tapi justru dia ingin kamu mempercayainya. Dia sedang berhati-hati supaya tidak mengecewakan kamu.
9. Tidak akan mau menyusahkan kamu Kamu sedang butuh sesuatu, dia akan selalu menawarkan bantuan untuk kamu tanpa kamu minta. Dan jika kamu sedang di dalam kesusahan, dia akan mencari jalan untuk meringankan beban kamu. Dia akan menyuruh kamu untuk tidak mengkuatirkan apapun karena dia telah memikirkan penyelesaiannya untuk kamu.
10. Tidak punya alasan untuk mencintaimu"Kenapa kamu sayang aku?" Cowok yang mencintaimu tidak akan bisa menyebutkan mengapa dia mencintaimu. Cinta itu bagaikan sesuatu yang tidak bisa dijelaskan dengan kata-kata. Itu adalah hal yang hanya bisa dirasakan. Kalau dia mulai mengatakan "Karena kamu cantik!" Wah, itu namanya gombal! Jangan mau percaya kalau dia mengatakan hal-hal yang muluk-muluk.
10 Masjid Tertua Di Dunia
Masjid atau mesjid adalah rumah tempat ibadah umat Muslim. Masjid artinya tempat sujud, dan mesjid berukuran kecil juga disebut musholla, langgar atau surau. Selain tempat ibadah masjid juga merupakan pusat kehidupan komunitas muslim. Kegiatan - kegiatan perayaan hari besar, diskusi, kajian agama, ceramah dan belajar Al Qur'an sering dilaksanakan di Masjid. Bahkan dalam sejarah Islam, masjid turut memegang peranan dalam aktivitas sosial kemasyarakatan hingga kemiliteran.
1. Quba mosque

pertama dibangun: 622
lokasi: Madinah
negara: Arab saudi
masjid quba di lingkungan terpencil madinah di arab saudi, merupakan masjid tertua di dunia. Batu pertamanya yang diposisikan oleh nabi islam muhammad pada emigrasi dari kota mekah ke madinah dan masjid ini selesai dengan temannya. Muhammad menghabiskan lebih dari 20 malam di masjid (setelah bermigrasi) berdoa qasr (sebuah doa pendek) sambil menunggu ali yang rumahnya di belakang masjid ini.
lokasi: Madinah
negara: Arab saudi
masjid quba di lingkungan terpencil madinah di arab saudi, merupakan masjid tertua di dunia. Batu pertamanya yang diposisikan oleh nabi islam muhammad pada emigrasi dari kota mekah ke madinah dan masjid ini selesai dengan temannya. Muhammad menghabiskan lebih dari 20 malam di masjid (setelah bermigrasi) berdoa qasr (sebuah doa pendek) sambil menunggu ali yang rumahnya di belakang masjid ini.
2 Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, Saudi Arabia

pertama dibangun: 622
lokasi: Madinah
negara: Arab saudi
al-masjid al nabawi, yang sering disebut masjid nabi adalah sebuah masjid yang terletak di kota madinah. Sebagai tempat peristirahatan terakhir islam nabi muhammad, itu dianggap tempat paling suci kedua dalam islam oleh umat islam (yang pertama adalah masjid al-haram di mekkah). Masjid ini berada di bawah kendali penjaga dua masjid suci.
lokasi: Madinah
negara: Arab saudi
al-masjid al nabawi, yang sering disebut masjid nabi adalah sebuah masjid yang terletak di kota madinah. Sebagai tempat peristirahatan terakhir islam nabi muhammad, itu dianggap tempat paling suci kedua dalam islam oleh umat islam (yang pertama adalah masjid al-haram di mekkah). Masjid ini berada di bawah kendali penjaga dua masjid suci.
3. Masjid al-Qiblatain, Saudi Arabia

pertama dibangun: 623
lokasi: Madinah
negara: Arab saudi
masjid al-qiblatain (masjid dua qiblas) adalah sebuah masjid di madinah yang secara historis penting bagi umat islam sebagai tempat dimana nabi muhammad, memimpin doa, dikatakan telah diperintahkan untuk mengubah arah shalat (kiblat) dari yerusalem ke mekah. Jadi unik yang terdapat relung doa dua (mihrabs). Baru-baru ini masjid tersebut direnovasi, menghapus niche doa tua menghadap ke yerusalem dan meninggalkan satu menghadap mekah.
lokasi: Madinah
negara: Arab saudi
masjid al-qiblatain (masjid dua qiblas) adalah sebuah masjid di madinah yang secara historis penting bagi umat islam sebagai tempat dimana nabi muhammad, memimpin doa, dikatakan telah diperintahkan untuk mengubah arah shalat (kiblat) dari yerusalem ke mekah. Jadi unik yang terdapat relung doa dua (mihrabs). Baru-baru ini masjid tersebut direnovasi, menghapus niche doa tua menghadap ke yerusalem dan meninggalkan satu menghadap mekah.
4. Jawatha Mosque, Saudi Arabia

pertama dibangun: 629
lokasi: Al kilabiyah
negara: Arab saudi
jawatha mosque (juga salah dieja al-jawana) terletak di desa al-kilabiyah, sekitar 12km timur laut hofuf, al-ahsa, arab saudi. Itu adalah awal masjid yang dibangun di arabia timur dan sebagian besar struktur asli di reruntuhan. Tempat ini masih digunakan untuk doa.
lokasi: Al kilabiyah
negara: Arab saudi
jawatha mosque (juga salah dieja al-jawana) terletak di desa al-kilabiyah, sekitar 12km timur laut hofuf, al-ahsa, arab saudi. Itu adalah awal masjid yang dibangun di arabia timur dan sebagian besar struktur asli di reruntuhan. Tempat ini masih digunakan untuk doa.
5. Masjid al-Haram, Saudi Arabia

pertama dibangun: 638
lokasi: Mekkah
negara: Arab saudi
al-masjid al-haram merupakan salah satu masjid terbesar di dunia. Terletak di kota mekah, itu mengelilingi ka'bah, tempat yang gilirannya umat islam di seluruh dunia untuk sementara menawarkan doa-doa sehari-hari dan merupakan tempat suci islam. Masjid ini juga dikenal sebagai masjid agung.
6. Great Mosque of Kufa, Iraq

pertama dibangun: 639
lokasi: Kufa
negara: Irak
masjid agung kufah, atau masjid al-kufah, atau masjid-al-azam terletak di kufah, irak, merupakan salah satu masjid paling awal dalam islam. Dibangun pada abad ke-7, berisi sisa-sisa muslim ibn 'aqil - sepupu pertama dari husain bin' ali, rekan hani nya ibn 'urwa, dan mukhtar al-thaqafī revolusioner.
lokasi: Kufa
negara: Irak
masjid agung kufah, atau masjid al-kufah, atau masjid-al-azam terletak di kufah, irak, merupakan salah satu masjid paling awal dalam islam. Dibangun pada abad ke-7, berisi sisa-sisa muslim ibn 'aqil - sepupu pertama dari husain bin' ali, rekan hani nya ibn 'urwa, dan mukhtar al-thaqafī revolusioner.
7. Mosque of Uqba, Tunisia

pertama dibangun: 670
lokasi: Kairouan
negara: Tunisia
masjid uqba, juga dikenal sebagai masjid agung kairouan, merupakan salah satu masjid paling penting di tunisia, terletak di kota warisan dunia unesco kairouan.
lokasi: Kairouan
negara: Tunisia
masjid uqba, juga dikenal sebagai masjid agung kairouan, merupakan salah satu masjid paling penting di tunisia, terletak di kota warisan dunia unesco kairouan.
8. Imam Hussain Mosque, Iraq

pertama dibangun: 680
lokasi: Karbala
negara: Irak
ali bin husain vihara 'adalah sebuah tempat suci syiah islam di kota karbala, irak. Ia berdiri di lokasi makam ali, cucu kedua muhammad, dekat tempat di mana ia terbunuh selama pertempuran karbala pada 680 masehi makam husain bin 'ali bin husain adalah salah satu tempat suci untuk shi 'sebagai luar mekah dan madinah, dan banyak berziarah ke situs. Setiap tahun, jutaan peziarah mengunjungi kota untuk mengamati 'asyura, yang menandai ulang tahun husain bin' ali kematian.
lokasi: Karbala
negara: Irak
ali bin husain vihara 'adalah sebuah tempat suci syiah islam di kota karbala, irak. Ia berdiri di lokasi makam ali, cucu kedua muhammad, dekat tempat di mana ia terbunuh selama pertempuran karbala pada 680 masehi makam husain bin 'ali bin husain adalah salah satu tempat suci untuk shi 'sebagai luar mekah dan madinah, dan banyak berziarah ke situs. Setiap tahun, jutaan peziarah mengunjungi kota untuk mengamati 'asyura, yang menandai ulang tahun husain bin' ali kematian.
9.Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem

pertama dibangun: 705
lokasi: Jerusalem
masjid al-aqsa, adalah tempat suci islam di kota lama yerusalem. Tempat yang termasuk masjid (bersama dengan kubah batu), juga disebut sebagai al-haram ash-sharif atau "suci noble sanctuary", adalah temple mount, situs paling suci dalam yudaisme, tempat di mana pertama dan kedua candi yang berlaku umum untuk memiliki berdiri. Muslim percaya bahwa muhammad adalah diangkut dari masjidilharam di mekah ke al-aqsa selama perjalanan malam. Tradisi islam menyatakan bahwa muhammad memimpin doa terhadap situs ini sampai bulan ketujuh belas setelah emigrasi, ketika tuhan mengarahkan dia untuk mengubah arah kabah
lokasi: Jerusalem
masjid al-aqsa, adalah tempat suci islam di kota lama yerusalem. Tempat yang termasuk masjid (bersama dengan kubah batu), juga disebut sebagai al-haram ash-sharif atau "suci noble sanctuary", adalah temple mount, situs paling suci dalam yudaisme, tempat di mana pertama dan kedua candi yang berlaku umum untuk memiliki berdiri. Muslim percaya bahwa muhammad adalah diangkut dari masjidilharam di mekah ke al-aqsa selama perjalanan malam. Tradisi islam menyatakan bahwa muhammad memimpin doa terhadap situs ini sampai bulan ketujuh belas setelah emigrasi, ketika tuhan mengarahkan dia untuk mengubah arah kabah
10. Al-Zaytuna Mosque, Tunisia

pertama dibangun: 709
lokasi: Tunis
negara: Tunisia
masjid al-zaytuna, atau ez-zitouna atau ezzitouna masjid adalah sebuah masjid besar di tunis, dekat pantai utara afrika.
lokasi: Tunis
negara: Tunisia
masjid al-zaytuna, atau ez-zitouna atau ezzitouna masjid adalah sebuah masjid besar di tunis, dekat pantai utara afrika.
Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011
Far East Movement- Rocketeer (feat. Ryan Tedder)
Here we go, come with me
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows
Where we go, we don’t need roads
And where we stop nobody knows
To the stars if you really want it
Got a jetpack with your name on it
Above the clouds and the atmosphere
Say the words and we outta here
Hold my hand if you feelin scared
We’re flyin up, up outta here
Where we go, we don’t need roads
And where we stop nobody knows
To the stars if you really want it
Got a jetpack with your name on it
Above the clouds and the atmosphere
Say the words and we outta here
Hold my hand if you feelin scared
We’re flyin up, up outta here
Here we go, come with me
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows
[Kev Nish:]
Baby, we can stay fly like a G6
Shop the streets of Tokyo, get your fly kicks
Girl, your always on my mind
Got my head up in the sky
And I’m never lookin down, feelin priceless
Yeah, where we at? only few have known
Were on some next level, super mario
I hope this works out, cardio
Until then let’s fly
Baby, we can stay fly like a G6
Shop the streets of Tokyo, get your fly kicks
Girl, your always on my mind
Got my head up in the sky
And I’m never lookin down, feelin priceless
Yeah, where we at? only few have known
Were on some next level, super mario
I hope this works out, cardio
Until then let’s fly
Here we go, come with me
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take me hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
Let’s fly
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take me hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
Let’s fly
Yo, now I ain’t ever been to space before
But I ain’t never seen a face like yours
You make me feel like I can touch the planets
You are the moon girl, watch me grab it
See, I ain’t ever seen a star this close
You got me stuck by the way you glow
I’m like oh, oh, oh, oh
I’m like oh, oh, oh, oh
Yo, now I ain’t ever been to space before
But I ain’t never seen a face like yours
You make me feel like I can touch the planets
You are the moon girl, watch me grab it
See, I ain’t ever seen a star this close
You got me stuck by the way you glow
I’m like oh, oh, oh, oh
I’m like oh, oh, oh, oh
Here we go, come with me
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
There’s a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I’m a rocketeer
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let’s fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows
Jumat, 18 Februari 2011
Lady GaGa: Born This Way
It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby
My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir
"There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are"
She said, "'Cause He made you perfect, babe"
"So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far,
Listen to me when I say"
I'm beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
(Born this way)
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way)
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born this way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be!
Give yourself prudence and love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice the truth
In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth
A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital H-I-M (hey, hey, hey)
I love my life, I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah
I'm beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way )
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
( Queen ,
Don't be , Queen )
Don't be drag, just be a queen
Whether you're broke or evergreen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'Cause baby, you were born this way
No matter gay, straight or bi
lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
chola or orient made
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to be brave
I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, yeah!
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way )
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born this way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, hey!
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby
My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir
"There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are"
She said, "'Cause He made you perfect, babe"
"So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far,
Listen to me when I say"
I'm beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
(Born this way)
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way)
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born this way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be!
Give yourself prudence and love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice the truth
In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth
A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital H-I-M (hey, hey, hey)
I love my life, I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah
I'm beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way )
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
( Queen ,
Don't be , Queen )
Don't be drag, just be a queen
Whether you're broke or evergreen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'Cause baby, you were born this way
No matter gay, straight or bi
lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
chola or orient made
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to be brave
I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, yeah!
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way )
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born this way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, hey!
What You Know Two Door Cinema Club
In a few weeks I will get time To realise it's right before my eyes And I can take it if it's what I want to do I am leaving This is starting to feel like It's right before my eyes And I can taste it It's my sweet beginning And I can tell just what you want You don't want to be alone You don't want to be alone And I can't say it's what you know But you've known it the whole time Yeah, you've known it the whole time Maybe next year I'll have no time To think about the questions to address Am I the one to try to stop the fire? I wouldn't test you I'm not the best you could have attained Why try anything? I will get there Just remember I know And I can tell just what you want You don't want to be alone You don't want to be alone And I can't say it's what you know But you've known it the whole time Yeah, you've known it the whole time And I can tell just what you want You don't want to be alone You don't want to be alone And I can't say it's what you know But you've known it the whole time Yeah, you've known it the whole time
If We Ever Meet Again Timbaland (feat. Katy Perry)
What is somebody like you doin' in a place like this? Say did you come alone or did you bring all your friends? Say whats your name? What you drinking? I think I know what are you thinking Baby whats your sign, tell me yours and ill tell you mine Say What is someone like you doin' in a place like this? I'll never be the same If we ever meet again Won't let you get away If we ever meet again This freefall, oh, got me so, oh kiss me all night, don't ever let me go Ill never be the same if we ever meet again Do you come here much? I swear I've seen your face before You don't see me blush but I cant help to want you more, more Baby tell me whats your story? I ain't shy, don't you worry I'm flirting with my eyes I wanna leave with you tonight do you come here much? I've gotta see your face some more (some more cause baby I..) I'll never be the same If we ever meet again Won't let you get away If we ever meet again This free fall, oh got me so, oh kiss me all night, don't ever let me go Ill never be the same if we ever meet again If we ever meet again, I'll have so much more to say (Say if we ever meet again) If we ever meet again, again I wont let you go away (Say if we ever meet again) If we ever, ever meet again I'll have so much more to say (Say if we ever meet again) If we ever, ever meet again I wont let you go away! I'll never be the same If we ever meet again Won't let you get away If we ever meet again This free fall, oh got me so oh kiss me all night, don't ever let me go Ill never be the same if we ever meet again I'll never be the same If we ever meet again Won't let you get away If we ever meet again This free fall, oh got me so, oh kiss me all night, don't ever let me go Ill never be the same if we ever meet again
Rabu, 16 Februari 2011
T.I ft Chris Brown – Get Back Up
I’m only human dawg
I’m only human dawg
I’m only human dawg
[Chris Brown]
Can you forgive me
It’s an SOS to let me be me
ay, ay, ay listen to me
And when they push you down,
you got to get back up
And when they push you down,
you got to get back up
Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup
or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what
cause when you got the belt and the ring
people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around
as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement
surprise, i’m here to show that I’ma rise above this
Ay, what it is World
yeah it’s me again, back before you, at your mercy
don’t bend your knee again, no running from the truth
as much as we pretend, that it aint what it is, than it hits CNN
apologies to my fans and my closest friends, (I’m sorry)
for letting you down, I wont take you down this road again
most of you now saying whatever, here we go again
blogs, radio, and television all going in
I laugh to keep from crying through all of the embarrasment
I gotta say you f-cking haters is hilarious
how dare you sit right there and act as if you holier than thou
point your finger now with me looking down
same clown that was twitpic’ing at my wedding
on the same twitter page disrespecting
wait a second (hold up)
never mind my imperfections this is fact, remember that
no mistakes too great to recover and bounce back
[Chris Brown]
and when they push you down, you got to get back up
and when they push you down, you got to get back up
Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup
or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what
cause when you got the belt and the ring
people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around
as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement
surprise, i’m here to show that I’ma rise above this
I admit, yeah, I done some dumb sh-t,
disappointed everybody I know
try not to hold that against me though
my road to redemption has no GPS
so guess the time must be invested for this to be manifested
yes it’s hard living life in the spotlight
trying to dodge the haters same time as the cop light
the bible say “let he without sin cast the stone first” (stone first)
the sinner or the one who judged him, who was wrong first?
yeah he go to work, never done no drugs or to be fair
he just drink his liquor, touch his kids, beat his wife instead
difference is, my shortcomings hit the media
thanks to TMZ, the AJC and Wikipedia
see the stairway to heaven while stepping down Jacob’s ladder
my good outweigh the bad, God, aint that what really matters, nope
a matter of fact I’m wrong but after that the good i’ve done in your hood
should it overshadow that?
got the World laughing at me for the moment
but it gonna be your turn ‘fore it’s over with
even if you so legit that you get a house with a dog and a picket fence
the people with you then but when they turn on you remember this
Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup
or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what
cause when you got the belt and the ring
people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around
as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement
surprise, i’m here to show that I’ma rise above this
[Chris Brown]
Hello, out there
can you hear me
can you hear me
ah, ah, ah, ah
can you (hear you)
hello, out there,
can you hear me
you gotta get you
you gotta gotta believe in me
I accept full responsibilty for the all the wrong I’ve done
If y’all thought I were perfect
I apologise for being human man
but never again partner
you can put my life on that
And you can love me, or you can leave me
before you judge me, just let me be me
and you can love me or either leave me
before you judge me, see life aint easy
Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
16 Bunga Terindah di Dunia
1. Sakura

Pada saat mekar, pemandangan yang disajikan akan luar biasa. Warna yang paling indah dari bunga ini adalah putih dan pink. Bahkan pada saat jatuh dan terhampar di tanah, pemandangan yang disajikan oleh bunga ini akan sangat luar biasa.
2. Canna

Bunga ini tidak hanya memberikan keindahan kelopaknya, tapi juga daun yang indah dengan berbagai warna ceria. Bunga Canna ini sempat menjadi bunga terindah di zaman Victoria
3. Colorado columbine

Bunga ini tumbuh di dataran tinggi Rocky Mountains, di atas ketinggian 14.000 kaki di atas tanah. Bunga ini akan menyapa anda begitu anda berhasil melewati ketinggian tersebut.
4. Hydragea

Indah sekali bukan? Bagaikan bola salju di musim gugur. Kelompok bunga yang berbentuk bintang dengan warna warna lembut pastel, menunjukkan kepolosan, dan sering muncul di buket pernikahan.
5. Lily of the valley

Bunga ini muncul di musim semi di daerah empat musim. Bunga Lily of the Valley ini merupakan inspirasi dari beberapa legenda, misalnya legenda Nasrani yang mengatakan bahwa air mata Bunda Maria yang jatuh di Salib Yesus berubah menjadi bunga ini. Atau legenda yang mengatakan bahwa bunga ini muncul dari darah St. George yang berperang melawan seekor naga.
6. Calla lily

Bunga cantik ini mempesona dan elegan, tapi jangan salah, ternyata bunga ini sangat beracun dan dapat membunuh anak kecil atau bahkan sapi jika tertelan.
7. Black eyed susan

Bunga abadi yang selalu tampil ceria. Bunga yang kontras dengna kelopak kuning dan bagian tengah yang gelap membuatnya tidak mudah untuk dilewati begitu saja.
8. Bleeding heart

Bunga mungil yang indah seperti berasal dari dunia peri ini adalah bunga yang selalu dipilih untuk menghiasi taman yang teduh dan segar.
9. Lantana

Bunga yang lembut dengan kelopak merah muda dan kuning, adalah magnet kupu-kupu. Semak bunga ini dapat tumbuh besar dan warna kelopaknya akan berubah sesuai dengan umur tanaman.
10. Blue bells

Di musim semi, banyak sekali hutan di Eropa yang tiba-tiba seakan memiliki karpet berwarna ungu, yang tidak lain adalah bunga ini. Blue Bells dianggap melambangkan kesendirian dan penyesalan.
11. Mawar

Mungkin bunga pertama yang akan dikenal oleh semua orang di dunia. Simbol perasaan romantis dengan warna dan bau yang wangi, memberikan berbagai makna tersendiri bagi tiap warna mawar yang ada.
12. Oriental poppy

Bunga ini adalah bunga abadi dengan bentuk yang lembut dan warna cerah mempesona. Setelah berkembang di musim semi, kelopaknya mati, tapi begitu hujan musim gugur datang, kelopak bunga ini akan kembali muncul
13. Mussaenda erythrophylla Ashanti Blood

Bunga ini dikenal di daerah tropis, terutama Afrika Barat sampai ke Asia Tenggara dan Cina Selatan. Bunga ini tidak hanya indah, tapi juga pasti akan mengundang lebah madu, kupu-kupu bahkan burung kolibri.
14. Begonia

Bunga ini pertama kali diperkenalkan di Inggris pada 1777. Dan sekarang menjadi salah satu bunga yang paling terkenal di Amerika. Begonia dikenal bukan hanya karena bunganya, tapi juga karena keindahan daunnya.
15. Soka

Dikenal juga sebagai Melati India Barat, sering digunakan dalam upacara agama Hindu India dan pengobatan tradisional India. Bunga yang merah menyala dengan dasar daun yang hijau memberikan kontras yang indah.
16. Dendrobium

Dendrobium adalah tipe anggrek tropis. Begitu berbunga, kelompok bunga yang ada selalu lembut dan terbentuk sempurna, sehingga tampak ajaib bagi penikmatnya.

Pada saat mekar, pemandangan yang disajikan akan luar biasa. Warna yang paling indah dari bunga ini adalah putih dan pink. Bahkan pada saat jatuh dan terhampar di tanah, pemandangan yang disajikan oleh bunga ini akan sangat luar biasa.
2. Canna

Bunga ini tidak hanya memberikan keindahan kelopaknya, tapi juga daun yang indah dengan berbagai warna ceria. Bunga Canna ini sempat menjadi bunga terindah di zaman Victoria
3. Colorado columbine

Bunga ini tumbuh di dataran tinggi Rocky Mountains, di atas ketinggian 14.000 kaki di atas tanah. Bunga ini akan menyapa anda begitu anda berhasil melewati ketinggian tersebut.
4. Hydragea

Indah sekali bukan? Bagaikan bola salju di musim gugur. Kelompok bunga yang berbentuk bintang dengan warna warna lembut pastel, menunjukkan kepolosan, dan sering muncul di buket pernikahan.
5. Lily of the valley

Bunga ini muncul di musim semi di daerah empat musim. Bunga Lily of the Valley ini merupakan inspirasi dari beberapa legenda, misalnya legenda Nasrani yang mengatakan bahwa air mata Bunda Maria yang jatuh di Salib Yesus berubah menjadi bunga ini. Atau legenda yang mengatakan bahwa bunga ini muncul dari darah St. George yang berperang melawan seekor naga.
6. Calla lily

Bunga cantik ini mempesona dan elegan, tapi jangan salah, ternyata bunga ini sangat beracun dan dapat membunuh anak kecil atau bahkan sapi jika tertelan.
7. Black eyed susan

Bunga abadi yang selalu tampil ceria. Bunga yang kontras dengna kelopak kuning dan bagian tengah yang gelap membuatnya tidak mudah untuk dilewati begitu saja.
8. Bleeding heart

Bunga mungil yang indah seperti berasal dari dunia peri ini adalah bunga yang selalu dipilih untuk menghiasi taman yang teduh dan segar.
9. Lantana

Bunga yang lembut dengan kelopak merah muda dan kuning, adalah magnet kupu-kupu. Semak bunga ini dapat tumbuh besar dan warna kelopaknya akan berubah sesuai dengan umur tanaman.
10. Blue bells

Di musim semi, banyak sekali hutan di Eropa yang tiba-tiba seakan memiliki karpet berwarna ungu, yang tidak lain adalah bunga ini. Blue Bells dianggap melambangkan kesendirian dan penyesalan.
11. Mawar

Mungkin bunga pertama yang akan dikenal oleh semua orang di dunia. Simbol perasaan romantis dengan warna dan bau yang wangi, memberikan berbagai makna tersendiri bagi tiap warna mawar yang ada.
12. Oriental poppy

Bunga ini adalah bunga abadi dengan bentuk yang lembut dan warna cerah mempesona. Setelah berkembang di musim semi, kelopaknya mati, tapi begitu hujan musim gugur datang, kelopak bunga ini akan kembali muncul
13. Mussaenda erythrophylla Ashanti Blood

Bunga ini dikenal di daerah tropis, terutama Afrika Barat sampai ke Asia Tenggara dan Cina Selatan. Bunga ini tidak hanya indah, tapi juga pasti akan mengundang lebah madu, kupu-kupu bahkan burung kolibri.
14. Begonia

Bunga ini pertama kali diperkenalkan di Inggris pada 1777. Dan sekarang menjadi salah satu bunga yang paling terkenal di Amerika. Begonia dikenal bukan hanya karena bunganya, tapi juga karena keindahan daunnya.
15. Soka

Dikenal juga sebagai Melati India Barat, sering digunakan dalam upacara agama Hindu India dan pengobatan tradisional India. Bunga yang merah menyala dengan dasar daun yang hijau memberikan kontras yang indah.
16. Dendrobium

Dendrobium adalah tipe anggrek tropis. Begitu berbunga, kelompok bunga yang ada selalu lembut dan terbentuk sempurna, sehingga tampak ajaib bagi penikmatnya.
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
Charice ft Iyaz - Pyramid
shawty's love is like a pyramid
we stand together till the very end
there'll never be another love for sure
iyaz and charice here we go
stones heavy like the love you've shown
solid as the ground we've known
and i just wanna carry on
we took it from the bottom up
and even in a desert storm
sturdy as a rock we hold
wishing every moment froze
now i just wanna let you know
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
cold never ever when you're close
we will never let it fall
a story that was never told
something like a mystery
and every step we've took we grown
look how fast the time has flown
a journey to the place unknown
we're going down in history
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid girl i'ma show you
that i love you so much that we're gonna get through
even when it storms i will never go
i'ma be the one to keep you safe
before was a love i care more than enough
holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough
mother nature, or disaster won't stop our happy ever after
pyramid... keep it going...
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
there'll never be another love for sure
iyaz and charice here we go
stones heavy like the love you've shown
solid as the ground we've known
and i just wanna carry on
we took it from the bottom up
and even in a desert storm
sturdy as a rock we hold
wishing every moment froze
now i just wanna let you know
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
cold never ever when you're close
we will never let it fall
a story that was never told
something like a mystery
and every step we've took we grown
look how fast the time has flown
a journey to the place unknown
we're going down in history
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid girl i'ma show you
that i love you so much that we're gonna get through
even when it storms i will never go
i'ma be the one to keep you safe
before was a love i care more than enough
holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough
mother nature, or disaster won't stop our happy ever after
pyramid... keep it going...
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
7 Manisan Termahal di Dunia
1. Strawberries Arnaud

Kita tentunya tahu bahwa resep Strawberries Arnaud adalah es krim strawberry, dengan lemon dan anggur merah. Tapi strawberry di restoran Arnaud di News Orleans, Amerika, tidak hanya sekedar buah potong biasa. Bedanya adalah di toppingnya, berupa cincin berlian pink 4.7 karat yang pernah menjadi milik Sir Ernest Cassel, satu-satunya di dunia. Harga makanan ini? 14 Miliar Rupiah, kenapa? karena selain cincin eksklusif tadi, strawberry juga dihidangkan dengan minuman Charles X Crystal yang berharga 250 Juta Rupiah per botolnya
2. Cake Platinum
Memang tidak banyak diproduksi, tapi cake seharga 1,3 Milyar ini tentunya tidak akan anda lewatkan dengan warna berkilau indahnya. Cake ini dibuat oleh Nobue Ikara, seorang pastry chef terkenal dari Jepang, sebagai penghargaan atas kaum wanita. Kue yang didedikasikan kepada wanita Jepang terkenal seperti Rinko Kikuchi dan Chie Kumazawa ini diharapkan agar mendorong kaum wanita untuk mau menggunakan perhiasan dari Platinum
3. Frrozen Haute Chocolate
Sampai sekarang sundae buatan Serendipity 3 selalu ini masuk sebagai sundae (es krim campuran) termahal di dunia, dengan harga mencapai 10 Juta Rupiah per porsi. Tapi kali ini, mereka benar-benar berusaha gila-gilaan. Frrozen Haute Chocolate seharga 250 Juta Rupiah ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara Serendipity 3 dan ahli pembuat perhiasan, Euphoria New York. Sundae ini adalah campuran dari 28 macam coklat, dan 14 di antaranya adalah coklat termahal dan paling eksotis di dunia.
Sundae ini juga mengandung 5 gram emas yang dapat dimakan dan juga ada gelang emas dengan berlian di dasar gelas. Bahkan, sundae ini dimakan khusus dengan sendok emas, dan beberapa butir berlian coklat dan putih, yang dapat anda simpan. Hati-hati saja, jangan sampai tertelan ya!
4. The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence
Makanan yang dibuat salah satu hotel di Sri Lanka ini berharga 145 Juta Rupiah. Makanan ini pernah menjadi makanan kedua paling mahal di dunia. Makanan ini juga tidak kalah nikmat dan menarik dibandingkan dengan makanan biasa. Makanan ini terdiri dari cassata daun emas, serta compote mangga dan delima. Makanan ini akan tampak biasa jika tidak diberi hiasan yang berupa pahatan coklat berbentuk seorang pemancing dan batu akuamarin dengan berat 80 karat
5. Macaroons Haute Couture
Untuk urusan makanan manis, Pierre Herme adalah artis luar biasa. Dengan dua toko besar yang menjadi pusat pembuatan macaroons di Paris dan Tokyo, Pierre menampilkan satu lagi resep tambahan setiap perubahan musim (yang berarti empat dalam setahun, bukan dua atau banyak, Paris dan Tokyo kan tidak mengenal musim durian). Macaroons paling terkenal buatan mereka adalah meringue puff dengan bahan pilihan Anda sendiri! Berdasarkan bahan yang dipilih oleh pemesan, macaroon buatan Pierre dapat mencapai harga 70 Juta Rupiah per kilo.
6. Chocopologie
Chocopologie buatan Knipschildt ini dijamin akan memberikan pengalaman khusus kepada lidah anda. Toko coklat yang didirikan oleh Fritz Knipschildt pada 1999 menjual coklat truffle termahal di dunia, dengan harga sekitar 50 Juta Rupiah per kilo atau, 2,5 Juta Rupiah per buah. Coklat buatan Knipschildt ini hanya dijual berdasarkan pesanan, Anda dapat mengunjungi pembuatan coklat ini di 12 South Main Street Norwalk di Connecticut, Amerika, untuk dapat mencoba surga kecil berwarna coklat ini.
7. Truffle Putih
Truffle (semacam jamur) paling halus dan paling mahal di dunia adalah truffle putih atau truffle alba dari daerah Piedmont di Itali Utara. Satu kilo jamur mahal ini dapat berharga 5 Juta Rupiah. Jamur terbesar yang ditemukan di dunia sampai sekarang memiliki berat 1,5 kilo, dan dibeli oleh Stanley Ho, pemilik kasino Makau, dengan harga 33 Juta Rupiah
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